Super easy to use and great sounding instrument.UVI Grand Piano features the best of the UVI technology and the most efficient user interface to play the piano: launch it and play! Features:
UVI Instruments are well known and have been deeply used by professional musicians and producers for more than a decade thanks to some unique software like MOTU MachFive, Ethno, and BPM, Spectrasonics Stylus and Atmosphere, UVI Workstation. It doesnt look like much, but inside theres a nice classic 80s piano patch worth downloading if youre looking for vintage romper sounds. Simply plug a MIDI keyboard in your computer and you're ready to play one of the best instrument ever made : a Steinway Model D grand piano. UVI Grand Piano turns your Mac into a wonderful grand piano! The Grand Piano Collection is on sale for only five days at a great reduced promo price on the DontCrack store.